Just so you know TOTAL hysterectomy is …

This hopefully clears up any confusion! I know I have to explain this often to people who ask. I often find it just easier to say that I had my uterus and cervix removed as most people assume total means ovaries as well. I think this explores a deeper issue though. I think as a society we have little understanding of ‘lady parts’ and what those parts do. I know I did…until I needed to learn it due to my medical ‘issues’. I think it would be so much easier if we were talking about these things on a regular basis, not just when complications arise.

da Vinci Total Hysterectomy

Many times while talking to people and patients I will hear them talk about total hysterectomy.  When I ask them what their definition of total hysterectomy is many of them tell me, “It’s when the uterus, tubes and ovaries get taken out — everything.”

Before we go any further NO NO NO NO NO NO and more NO.

Total hysterectomy is when the uterus — ALL of the uterus is taken out — the total uterus which includes the cervix; this does NOT include the ovaries or the tubes.  The ovaries and the tubes are NOT part of the uterus.  The cervix is part of the uterus.  They may all be friends, or in some cases enemies, but they are different things … and although the uterus and friends may all be removed at one time, like a package deal, they are individuals.

If you are talking about EVERYTHING…

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Decision Making … Hysterectomy

Settle in – this is a long one, but well worth it! Find out more about why women have a hysterectomy (mine was covered in the first 2 as well as the emergency aspect) and what some of the emotional and physical impacts might be.

da Vinci Total Hysterectomy

Of course hysterectomies are chosen and performed for numerous different reasons.

  • Menorrhagia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding — This seems to be one of the most common reasons in my experience as a nurse working in the surgical field.  The continued bleeding often leads to anemia that often leads to indescribable continuous fatigue.  Huge clots can be passed with this bleeding as well.  Post-menopausal bleeding also falls within this category.  The next condition often goes hand-in-hand with heavy vaginal bleeding.
  • Fibroids — These can cause pelvic, abdominal and low back pain.  Uterine fibroids can interfere with the ability to get pregnant, can put pressure on the bladder and sometimes if the fibroids are large enough give a woman an appearance of being pregnant.  This in itself can be bothersome if people are asking if you’re pregnant and your only answer is that you have fibroids.  Uterine and cervical polyps can act…

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